Help for English

A/The Future


V jednom videu (1:02) jsem viděla větu:

Have you ever imagined a future with me?

Zajímalo by mě, proč je tam neurčitý člen, automaticky bych totiž řekla:

Have you ever imagined the future with me?

Je možné obojí?

Díky za pomoc.

Ano, obojí je možné. In 1, we're talking about imagining anything (that could possibly happen); in 2, we're talking specifically about imagining the future (under various different circumstances).

1. Have you ever imagined … (what?)

  • a future with me?
  • doing a parachute jump?
  • riding a camel?
  • giving a Ted Talk?
  • having a dog that speaks Czech?

2. Have you ever imagined the future … (in what kind of situation?)

  • with me?
  • with just your dog and no-one else?
  • on your own? / by yourself? / (all) alone?
  • living in a foreign country?
  • in a world full of peace and love?
  • living on another planet?
Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před 4 lety

Ano, obojí je možné. In 1, we're talking about imagining anything (that could possibly happen); in 2, we're talking specifically about imagining the future (under various different circumstances).

1. Have you ever imagined … (what?)

  • a future with me?
  • doing a parachute jump?
  • riding a camel?
  • giving a Ted Talk?
  • having a dog that speaks Czech?

2. Have you ever imagined the future … (in what kind of situation?)

  • with me?
  • with just your dog and no-one else?
  • on your own? / by yourself? / (all) alone?
  • living in a foreign country?
  • in a world full of peace and love?
  • living on another planet?

Děkuji moc! Výborně zpracovaná odpověď.


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