Help for English

jetsli vůbec


Půjdeme tam nejdřív v 19:00, jestli vůbec (tam půjdeme). – We are going there at 19:00 the earliest, if at all. Je to ok? Jedná se mi o to “jestli vůbec” a bude před “earliest” člen nebo ne?

“Go there” with a time marker (“at 19.00”) is vague, and there's no context. What does “go there” mean?

  • Vyrazíme (tam) nejdřív v 19:00, jestli vůbec (tam půjdeme). We'll leave at 19.00 at the earliest, if we go at all. We won't leave (any) earlier than 19.00, if we go at all.
  • Dorazíme tam nejdřív v 19:00, jestli vůbec (tam půjdeme). We'll get there by 19.00 at the earliest, if we go at all. We won't get there (any) earlier/sooner than 19.00, if we go at all.


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