Help for English



Dobrý večer, potřebovala bych poradit s touto větou – You can make _____ fruit salad for dessert. Bude tam some nebo a? Je to počítatelné a bude tam a ? Omlouvám se, ale nějak jsem se do toho zamotala.

ALL the following are ok. Salad can be thought of as countable or uncountable, and you can “do” it or “make” it. There are lots of examples of all the options on Google.

  • You can make (fruit) salad …
  • You can do (fruit) salad …
  • You can make a (fruit) salad …
  • You can do a (fruit) salad …
  • You can make some (fruit) salad …
  • You can do some (fruit) salad ...


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