Help for English

Could have met


Jsi ten nejlepsi, ktereho jsem mohl poznat. – You are the best who I could have met. Je to ok prosim?

You're the best I could have met. (Ale kdybych měl(a) víc času a hledal(a) dál, snad bych mohl(a) potkat lepší(ho). :-( :-( :-( )

“…the best who I …” zní špatně, ale celkově ta věta nezní idiomaticky, a nemáme kontext :-( .

  • I couldn't have hoped to find/meet anyone better (than you).
  • I couldn't have found/met a better person (than you).
  • I couldn't have found/met anyone better (than you).
  • You're the best person I could have hoped to find/meet.
  • You're simply the best!


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