Help for English

this web...


I have a feeling this debate page is going down, what pity! There are only few people still debate here. Look at the main page of the forum – last contribution 22 days, 13 days, 7 months… ago. And the web is sooo great! It is a shame, really…

Well, true…but you can't force people to write…right? Anyway, if you want to talk, I am available as I am quarantining at home:)

No, I can´t force anyone… But it is a shame because the web is perfect.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Leiah vložený před 4 lety

No, I can´t force anyone… But it is a shame because the web is perfect.

I agree with you there:):):)
I love it, too. Very helpful:)
Do you learn any other languages?

Speaking of other languages, I try to learn some Hungarian. A few years ago, there were Slovaks of Hungarian nationality working in our company. They were nice and friendly people. There was even a whole family there. Male members of the family also spoke Slovak in addition to their native Hungarian. When I heard those people speak Hungarian among themselves, I liked it and decided to learn some phrases. Hungarian is a cool language, even though a bit harder to learn. I like the way it sounds, especially certain words.

Wow, that's interesting. The difficult thing about Hungarian is that it doesn't sound like anything else. Even words that are international are completely different in Hungarian..
Well, I admire that! Good luck!:)

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Leiah vložený před 4 lety

I have a feeling this debate page is going down, what pity! There are only few people still debate here. Look at the main page of the forum – last contribution 22 days, 13 days, 7 months… ago. And the web is sooo great! It is a shame, really…

I like debating to improve my written English.

I hope we can do a lot of practice by correcting and discussing what we see immediately after reading our comments without getting offended. Please, you could do the same.

  1. what a pity !
  2. debating
  3. the last contibution

I didn´t use any resource or dictionary, because I´m aiming for getting better at my spontaneous writting as I´m planning on taking the IELTS in the near future. And there will not be any help, I just can use my knowledge available in that moment to create something related to the topic. :-)…ovensky/pity

Adriana, what made you want to take the IELTS exam and not exams like CAE or CPE? :)
(btw. writing, not writting; typing error?) :)

It´s obvious , everyone must always pass the IELTS exam. There is nobody who fails, as the exam tests your level. :-)

FCE just tell you whether you have reached the certain level or not, if not, than the money payd will get simply splashed out. It´s a little bit risky.

About the word writing, it was a mistake I made.

Now, my plan is, as there are so many essay writing questions enywhere on the Internet, to chose one of them and write an essay.

I´ve watched so many tutorial videos on how it should be done. I´m really overloaded with ideas, tricks and tips.

At the moment I´am done I can put it here and we can be discussing the whole essay or how it could be written better. We can substitute, find the possible phrasal verbs or idioms or all that could make my essay more accurate for the band score 6.5 that I would like to achieve. (Accuracy is one of the most crucial marking criteria).

to Adriana:
(paid; I am done /without apostrophe..)
I am kind of sorry about that, I wouldn't normally do this, it would seem like nitpicking, but as you asked for correcting things others might notice…here it is..
I am not opposed to your idea of discussing your essay.. To be honest, however, I am not sure if I am the right person for that.. Other people might react, though.....I hope they will…:):) Though my English is advanced, I am not sure if writing is my strongest point.. On the other hand, it might do me some good as I took English exams 10 years ago and I haven't written much since then:).....
Anyway, good luck!:) And may I point out, from what you've written so far, your level seems to be good:)

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Josef vložený před 4 lety

Speaking of other languages, I try to learn some Hungarian. A few years ago, there were Slovaks of Hungarian nationality working in our company. They were nice and friendly people. There was even a whole family there. Male members of the family also spoke Slovak in addition to their native Hungarian. When I heard those people speak Hungarian among themselves, I liked it and decided to learn some phrases. Hungarian is a cool language, even though a bit harder to learn. I like the way it sounds, especially certain words.

Tady je jeden chlapík, který se chce učit česky a hledá protějšek, který mluví maďarsky. :)

(EDIT: I didn't notice I was writing in Czech, sorry!

And I inserted a link to Facebook but it has disappeared. If you are interested, write me a PM.)

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od AdrianaXXX vložený před 4 lety

I like debating to improve my written English.

I hope we can do a lot of practice by correcting and discussing what we see immediately after reading our comments without getting offended. Please, you could do the same.

  1. what a pity !
  2. debating
  3. the last contibution

I didn´t use any resource or dictionary, because I´m aiming for getting better at my spontaneous writting as I´m planning on taking the IELTS in the near future. And there will not be any help, I just can use my knowledge available in that moment to create something related to the topic. :-)…ovensky/pity

Watch out for apostrophes, you use "čárka"s.
Check it here: Interpunkce: apostrof v angličtině:)

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Franta K. Barták vložený před 4 lety

Tady je jeden chlapík, který se chce učit česky a hledá protějšek, který mluví maďarsky. :)

(EDIT: I didn't notice I was writing in Czech, sorry!

And I inserted a link to Facebook but it has disappeared. If you are interested, write me a PM.)

Ha – Ha- Ha. Ja žijem v Liptovskom Mikuláší a tu si nikto ani nepípne po maďarsky.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od evaoslik vložený před 4 lety

to Adriana:
(paid; I am done /without apostrophe..)
I am kind of sorry about that, I wouldn't normally do this, it would seem like nitpicking, but as you asked for correcting things others might notice…here it is..
I am not opposed to your idea of discussing your essay.. To be honest, however, I am not sure if I am the right person for that.. Other people might react, though.....I hope they will…:):) Though my English is advanced, I am not sure if writing is my strongest point.. On the other hand, it might do me some good as I took English exams 10 years ago and I haven't written much since then:).....
Anyway, good luck!:) And may I point out, from what you've written so far, your level seems to be good:)

Thank you for your nice answers, I´m grateful for any relevant reply. Actually I was reacting to Leiah because I was feeling that she might be the same level of English as I´m. ( I might be wrong). And your English is much more advanced than my is, as I have often read them and sometimes I haven´t the sligtest idea what you and your writing partner are talking about.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od evaoslik vložený před 4 lety

I agree with you there:):):)
I love it, too. Very helpful:)
Do you learn any other languages?

I do. I learn also Italian. But it is still mixing sometimes. :)


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