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Dobrý den, prosím, jak má správně znít tato věta? She sported an elaborate hairdo and very expensive clothes. Vím, že se jedná o překlep. Má tam být spotted? Ale “she spotted” je zahlédla a překlad je vyhlédla si. Poraďte, prosím.

Upřímně, nevím odkud máte ten český překlad, ale já se domnívám, že se nejedná o překlep a že je to přeložené špatně.
sport – hovorově “okázale nosit”, “vystavovat na odiv”
Mimochodem, asi jste se překlikla, tohle patří do Help fóra, ale nevím jak to tam přehodit…:)

Přesunul jsem do fora a odpovídám.

Ne, že by se nám občas nepovedl překlep (hlavně já jsem na ně mistr), ale tady se opravdu o překlep nejedná.

Ve větě jsme to přeložili jako “vystavovala na odiv”, ač to není úplně přesné. Jenže napsat tam “měla na sobě” by bylo prostě nevýstižné.

Toto sloveso je tam taky proto, že mezi studenty je téměř neznámé, přitom v angličtině poměrně běžné – bylo to ostatně i naše Word of the Day (2/12/2018).

I think the sense of “sport” as a verb here goes back to the old (as in Shakespearean times) sense of “sport” as “fun” – pro špás, zum Spass. The idea is that the wearer put on something that looked appealing, eccentric, unusual, eye-catching, elegant etc., such as a strange hat, pink trousers, a red nose etc.

But it's only used as a positive attribute: the observer finds the picture appealing, funny, eccentric etc. We can't say “the burglar was sporting wearing a black-and-white striped top”.

And the wearer doesn't say “What shall I wear today? I think I'll sport put on pink trousers.” The sense of fun is in the eye of the observer.

Dan, can you explain this Longman explanation?…ng-something
It says that the one who is wearing the eye-catching item of clothing is doing it in a proud way… which seems to be contradictory to what you wrote… Maybe I am wrong..

be sporting something to be wearing something or have something on your body and show it to people in a proud way

  • Eric was sporting a new camelhair coat.

Yes, from the point of view of the observer, Eric was “sporting” (= showing off) his new coat. Eric might say “I want to show off my new coat”, but he is very unlikely to say (in conversation) “I want to sport my new coat”. See the Ngram.

Ok, now I think I get what you meant. From what you wrote before I gathered the person “sporting something” didn't care at all. Now I understand that that the person does care (as I thought) but the sentence with the verb “sport” is said by the observer. :)
Btw, it corresponds with the Czech expression “vystavovat na odiv”. It's not that the person sporting something can't say it but it's much more common that someone else does.
Thank you:)


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