Help for English

Prosim skontrolovat marketingovy text


Ahojte, je mi ctou po vela rokoch znovu navstivit tuto stranku, kde som stravil dost casu a vela sa naucil, bohuzial som nenasiel stare prihlasovacie u­daje.

Robim na mensom osobnom projekte a mam k tomu takyto text, ktory si chcem radsej nechat skontrolovat:

Axel Productions is on a mission to deal with a growing flood of those unnecessary gdpr popups, cookies consents, subscribe and turn-off-your-Adblock messages once and forever. There has not yet been a product like this. A new Chrome extension is coming to the city soon!!

Myslite, ze je to v poriadku alebo by ste nieco sforumlovali inak, gramatika atd.?

Hi:) Wait for someone better to help you.. I just want to say that I've never heard of “once and forever”. I only know “once and for all”.
Really sorry if your version of that phrase is an OK version:)
EDIT: Omlouvám se, nevím proč píšu v angličtině…asi že jsem byla na vláknu Diskuze v angličtině:):):), tak jsem se na ni přehodila..

I agree.

  1. “Once and forever” is obviously grammatically correct, but not idiomatic – see the Ngram. Using “once and …” tells us you're using the idiom.
  2. " … deal with a the growing flood of those unnecessary …“. Even though it's the "first mention” of “flood”, there's a clear sense that there is a flood, that we are assumed to “know about it” . The flood is defined as “growing” and further defined by the determining phrase “those unnecessary pop-ups …” (rozumíme “the pop-ups we all know about”). The sense of definiteness is further reinforced by the fact that there's going to be an extension to deal with this “known” problem (“of the growing flood …” ). If we didn't have a definite problem in mind (the growing flood) there wouldn't be a need to devise an extension. So all in all there's a strong sense of definiteness that calls for the definite article.

Vdaka za vysvetlenie


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