Help for English

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Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Franta K. Barták vložený před 4 lety

Tady je jeden chlapík, který se chce učit česky a hledá protějšek, který mluví maďarsky. :)

(EDIT: I didn't notice I was writing in Czech, sorry!

And I inserted a link to Facebook but it has disappeared. If you are interested, write me a PM.)

Wow, I had no idea. Unfortunately, my Hungarian is still very poor. I am making slow progress, so maybe later…

Thanks, anyway.

To Adriana:
Thank you very much for what you wrote about my English.
Today is my last day of quarantine so I don't know how fast I will react beginning tomorrow.. But I love it here, so I guess I'll always spare a few minutes:)
(you made a few mistakes but I think you might find them yourself:))
Good night, thanks for the conversation so far:)

To Leiah:
Italian:)…that is a nice language.. I learn Spanish.. not ver actively, though.. I watch TV series and I listen to the language.. I understand quite well (if the conversation isn't too complicated) but I basically suck at everything else…:):)

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od evaoslik vložený před 4 lety

To Leiah:
Italian:)…that is a nice language.. I learn Spanish.. not ver actively, though.. I watch TV series and I listen to the language.. I understand quite well (if the conversation isn't too complicated) but I basically suck at everything else…:):)

I sometimes think about the polyglots how they can manage so many languages. I would like to watch tv in Italian but every time I return back to English. It is easier and I am a bit of lazy… And there usually is no time left for both of them.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Leiah vložený před 4 lety

I sometimes think about the polyglots how they can manage so many languages. I would like to watch tv in Italian but every time I return back to English. It is easier and I am a bit of lazy… And there usually is no time left for both of them.

One of the points is to get to a level high enough in one of the languages (B2 at least they say) to be able to keep it even without any daily input. :)

The same way you continue with other languages then. :)

This web is useful for me


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