Help for English

smlouva na dobu neurčitou


Pěkný večer přeji,

jak nejlépe vyjádřím, že mi byla smlouva prodloužena na dobu neurčitou? Přikládám své dva návrhy.

  1. I've been given a permanent contract.
  2. My contract has been extended for an unlimited (time) period.


Když jde o pracovní smlouvu, ano:

  • I've been given a permanent contract.
  • I'm now on (a) permanent contract.
  • They've put me on (a) permanent contract.
  • I've been put on (a) permanent contract.
  • They've taken me on permanently.
  • (in context:) They've made me permanent. [ I started working here a year ago on (a) temporary contract, but they're so impressed with my work that they've (now) made me permanent / put me on (a) permanent contract / taken me on permanently. ]

There's nothing objectionable about “My contract has been extended for an unlimited/inde­finite (time) period”, but it sounds rather formal or “over-precise”, so I doubt that anyone would say it (or even write it). With this version (and taken out of context), the sentence may also lose its functional perspective in English. What is my main focus in this sentence? I'm not talking about something that has happened to my contract, I'm talking about something that has happened to me.

Why is the article “a” optional?

  • They've put me on permanent/temporary contract: I'm treating “permanent/tem­porary contract” as an impersonal abstract concept, I'm not thinking about my own particular contract.
  • They've put me on a permanent/temporary contract: I'm thinking about my own particular contract, not about permanent/temporary contracts as an impersonal abstract concept.


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