Je tu niekto, kto si rád precvičí napísanie eseje podľa IELTS požiadaviek ? (40 minút, min. 250, bez použitia slovníka)
Most people agree that money cannot be happiness. Why is happiness difficult to deifne ? How can people achieve happiness ?
Happiness and living a happy life is a goal of most people and it is viewed as a balance of what we just have right at this moment and what we don´t have and we are seeking for.
First of all, it is neccessary to point out that hapiness means something different to anybody. It is even defined by science according to many specific criteria that have only one fact in common, which is that the hapiness is considered as a positive mental state. In all the other characteristics and attributes, there are huge differences such as the point whether it is the short-term or long-term state, whether the ability of being happy is innate or it can be gained or what quality is the opposite to the happy mental state. In other words; however, the most part of population wish themselves or the others to be happy, for everybody it might be something absolutely different.
On top of that, most of the human beings have to learn and explore how to gain this mental state of harmony in the way that they become aware of the hierarchy of their life values and try to live acoording to them. This way of life can be just automatically present but in the same way this values or goals can need the great effort , acnowledgement, wisdom and time and by extreme circumstances it might take all the life for a man to gain the state of harmony, balance and the highest god often at the end of their life.
To conclude, living a happy life is everobdy´s sense of life, but only if they can identify what makes them happy and will find the way to achieve this state.