Help for English

Prosim skontrolovat popisu aplikace


Ahojte, uz som tu s tym ciastocne trochu otravoval, ale tu mam plne znenie popisu mojho projektu zo stranky

Nasli by ste nejake chyby a zlepsenia?


Community driven GDPR cookie consents and other annoying stuff removal tool. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the toughest privacy and security law in the world. Though it was drafted and passed by the European Union (EU), it imposes obligations onto organizations anywhere, so long as they target or collect data related to people in the EU. The regulation was put into effect on May 25, 2018.

Since then, web is being flooded with annoying and ugly cookie consent bars and pop-ups requiring user interaction, narrowing browser's viewport or covering page content. We have an idea to build a community and together deal with this and other unnecessary stuff like push notifications, subscribe prompts or turn-off-your-ad-blocker messages once and for all. There has not yet been a solution like this!


We are improving our AI (set of common rules/checks performed above the website HTML) capable to recognize the unwanted content. That works for majority of websites, however in some cases (especially giants like Facebook, Twitter, etc.) it is practically impossible to correctly locate and hide the right element. That's why:

We are building community responsible for providing and updating page specific rules. For now, all the page specific rules are hardcoded directly by developers on the basis of user feedback. Soon, those rules will be collected, updated and approved by community members and synced with client extensions.


Yes, core concept and basic functionality is and always will be free. However, it is possible that there will be some premium features in the future. Details are being discussed.


Support the community and give us your feedback by clicking the yellow button with ! sign in extension window and report websites where cookie conset bar or pop-up is not disappearing or another issue you see.


Příspěvky mohou přidávat pouze přihlášení uživatelé. Pokud máte účet můžete se přihlásit.

Příspěvky v diskusi jsou majetkem jejich autorů. Provozovatel webových stránek Help For English za ně nenese zodpovědnost.