Help for English

Skáče přes švihadlo v britské angličtině


Dobrý den, prosím o radu, jak říci v britské angličtině v přítomném čase příběhovém, že někdo skáče přes švihadlo. Lze použít např. I am skipping? Nebo má být I am skipping rope? Děkuji.

V kontextu: I'm skipping. (I'm using a skipping rope, I'm exercising using a skipping rope, I'm exercising with a skipping rope.)

Američané říkají I'm jumping rope nebo I'm skipping rope.

Skip mimo kontext: hopsat, poskakovat, like the lambs skipping here.


An excellent way to keep fit, skipping can be done anywhere at any time.

Just a few minutes of skipping brings a range of health benefits, including heart and lung fitness, stronger bones, balance and flexibility. The average person will burn up to 200 calories during 15 minutes of skipping.

Skipping is a strenuous exercise, so start slowly at first. Try skipping for 20 to 30 seconds, marching on the spot for 30 seconds, and then repeat. As your fitness improves, you can increase the time you spend skipping. (

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Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před 4 lety

V kontextu: I'm skipping. (I'm using a skipping rope, I'm exercising using a skipping rope, I'm exercising with a skipping rope.)

Američané říkají I'm jumping rope nebo I'm skipping rope.

Skip mimo kontext: hopsat, poskakovat, like the lambs skipping here.


An excellent way to keep fit, skipping can be done anywhere at any time.

Just a few minutes of skipping brings a range of health benefits, including heart and lung fitness, stronger bones, balance and flexibility. The average person will burn up to 200 calories during 15 minutes of skipping.

Skipping is a strenuous exercise, so start slowly at first. Try skipping for 20 to 30 seconds, marching on the spot for 30 seconds, and then repeat. As your fitness improves, you can increase the time you spend skipping. (

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