Help for English

Slang term for "necessary hardwork"?


Ahojte, nenapada vas nejaky zaujimavy vyraz/synonymum/slang k niecomu ako:

nevyhnutna praca, ktora nikoho nebavi, ale musi sa urobit?

Konkretny kontext je, ze mam projekt, v ktorom musim okrem toho najpodstatnejsieho programovat vedlajsie rutinne nudne veci ako sprava uzivatelov, comu sa ale neda vyhnut. Tak ma napadlo ako by sa to dalo vystihnut v eng.

  • In addition to my special project I have to deal with / keep up with / carry on with the (daily) grind / (routine) slog of (doing) user administration … [grind = /grajnd/]
  • In addition to my special project, I'm run ragged doing all the usual user admin stuff …

Now, you may have already booked yourself a trip away for the summer to escape the routine slog of day-to-day life but if you’re still looking for some ideas for the near future or just something to look forward to a bit further afield on your calendar, we may have a fantastic idea for you!

11. Sadly, with the daily grind of hardware issues and application problems, support personnel can be run ragged trying to keep up.

(to be run ragged [/ragid/] doing something, with something … být uhoněný):

Cítíte se uhoněná? Jedna věc, která vás z toho může vytáhnout. Do you feel run ragged? One thing that can get you out of it.

Interesting. “The daily grind” is what I like the most.


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