Help for English

jak jinak..


Zase přišel pozdě do práce, jak jinak!

He arrived at work late again, how else/what else ! (what else could we expect from him?)…

Jde to takhle nebo je na to nějaký idiom?

Bez kontextu není jasné, zda mluvíme o přítomnosti nebo o minulosti :-( :

  1. Zase přišel pozdě do práce – he's [= he has] arrived late for/to work again (tak už máme skluz, nestíháme, máme co dohánět) (mluvíme o přítomnosti – např. so we've already got a backlog, we're already running late, we're got some catching-up to do.
  2. Zase přišel pozdě do práce – he arrived late for/to work again (yesterday) – mluvíme o minulosti – so we already had a backlog, we were already running late, we had some catching-up to do)

He's / he was late for work again, how else! / what else!

  • He's / he was late for work again – only to be expected in his case!
  • He's / he was late for work again – typical!
  • He's / he was late for work again, so nothing new there!
  • He's / he was late for work again – par for the course in his case! (strongest stress on his)
  • He's / he was late for work again, true to form!
  • He's late for work again, as if you haven't guessed!
  • He was late for work again, as if you hadn't guessed!
  • He's / he was late for work again – again! (heavy stress on second syllable of the second again)

Arrived late for / to / at work – see the Ngram.

Idiomatic: přijít někam pozdě: to be late for (např for work, for my English class, for my doctor's appo­intment, for my job interview, for the concert, for my date with my girlfriend, for my train/bus/flight. (“Arrive” instead of “be” is also ok, of course.)

  • He's such a slowcoach [louda, AmE slowpoke] that he'll be late for his own funeral!

Ještě mě napadá: That's so like him / That (so) sounds like him.


As (per) usual


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