Help for English

předbudoucí čas + dát si něco udělat (HAVE sth/sb done..)..


Jde to takto spojit tyto 2 gramatiky I will have + have it done ?

Drž se ode mě dále nebo tě nechám vyhodit, než bude konec dneška.

Stay away from me or I'll have had you fired by the end of the day.

Před koncem roku si už zvyknu na svou práci.

I will have got use(d) to my job before the end of the year.

Před koncem roku, už dávno nechám tátu opravit mé auto.

I will have had my father fix the car before the end of the year.

Před koncem roku, už to nechám dávno zařídit, aby pokoj vypadal čistý.

The room is a mess but I hope I'll have had it looking presentable before the end of the year.

I'll be hungry by the time I get home. Budu mít hlad tou dobou, až přijdu domů

Všimněte si, že zde není will have been hungry. Tou dobou totiž právě budu mít hlad. Nejedná se tedy o něco, co už bude tou dobou dokončené, ale co bude tou dobou stále platné. (Předbudoucí čas)

  1. I will have got use used to my job before the end of the year. Děj (getting used to my job) bude dokončený.
  • 1a) I will be used to my job before the end of the year – Stav (being used to) stále platí, proto budoucí (nikoliv předbudoucí).

1 and 1a mean the same. 1 describes an action (get used to) that will be complete. 1a describes a state (be used to)_ that will still apply.

  1. I will have had my father fix the car before the end of the year. This is fine. The action of getting someone (my father) to do something (fix the car) will be completed.
  2. The room is a mess but I hope I'll have had it looking presentable before the end of the year.. This future perfect (will have had it) is acceptable but unnecessary. The room will still (stále platí) be in a state in which you have it looking perfect. The action (of getting it looking perfect) hasn't ended.
  3. Stay away from me or I'll have had you fired by the end of the day. This sentence is ok. It looks forward to a future point in time (the end of the day) and predicts that the action (of having you fired) will be completed at that time.
  • 4a) Stay away from me or I'll have you fired by the end of the day. This sentence means the same as 4 and is better than 4. Why? Because the semantics of the statement seem to convey a future intention, not a prediction. An intention is something over which I have control: I will make sure you are fired, I will make it happen. I intend to make it happen. A prediction is a forecast, a guess, an assumption about the future, and I probably don't have control over it.

The semantics of this sentence reflect an intention (which I will make sure happens), not a prediction (which may or may not happen, over which I may not have any control).

Co do českého překladu, to nechám na vás. ;-)


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