Help for English



DOCHAZI – (mám to, ale uz to brzy nebude)
1.I am running out of questions – Docházejí mi otázky

2.I have run out of ideas = I´m outta ideas – Došly mi nápady

3.We aren´t out of all jokes we know yet – Ještě nám nedošly všechny vtipy co známe

takové téma už tu je, ne? :?…

kratší a přehlednější už to nebude

no to snad ne… myslím, že jste tomu nepomohl. Spíš naopak. :-)


ty věty mám dobře?

a jak by bylo třeba Dochází televize jako že se brzo pokazí

  1. The TV's on its way out.

Is my TV on its way out? (…) Is this a sign that the TV has reached the end of its useful life?

  1. The TV's on its last legs.

Can I get something decent without spending too much (unfortunately the TV is on its last legs too, so I don't have much cash to splash)?

  1. The TV's knackered.
  2. The TV's just about ready for the scrapheap.

My Mercedes Coupe is almost ready for the scrapheap.

  1. The TV won't last much longer.
  2. The TV's going on the blink
  3. The TV is/keeps playing up [ … blbne, zlobí] (stress on up)
  4. The TV has had it (stress on had)

have had it (informal)

(of a machine, etc.) to be in such a bad condition that it is not useful or (of a person, team, etc.) to be doing so badly that they are certain to fail:

  • I think this computer's had it.

wow děkuji


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