pravidelne si uverejnujem vyvojarske logy k mojmu projektu na FB v anglictine a dookola tapam v neistote pouzivania istych fraz a slovnych spojeni. Nechcem aby to znelo amatersky, tak prosim o kontrolu. Zvyraznil som to, cim si nie som isty (to v zatvorkach v texte nie je, ale mozno by malo byt).
- Ensuring that miniwidget stays always on top even if pop-up with maximal z-index is appended to the end of the <body> element.
- Improving set of allowed html elements to scan.
- Ensuring that found & hidden elements stay hidden even if their style attribute is additionaly overwritten by some website scripts
- Fixing bugged indicator of cached page-specific rule(s) count
- Improving processing of (a/the) <body> element in case of locked scrolling
- Subtracting non-existent (additionaly removed/replaced) elements from the count of found elements.
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