Help for English

Trpný rod II - 'The passive is said to be difficult.'

Komentáře k článku: Neosobní trpný rod


Používá se ve frázích “It is said, expected apod…” přítomný průběhový čas? Tím myslím použití slovíčka “being”, je mi jasné, že se zde jedná o trpný rod a asi se to přítomným průběhovým čas vyloženě nenazývá, ale…

  • The train is expected to leave the platform at......

Nehodilo by se spíše “The train is being expected…” ? Právě teď/v tomto čase/období se očekává…

Podobně u:

  • It is said the prices will go up.
  • He is said to date/to be dating the famous singer. *

Líbilo by se mi zde opět spíše “It's being said…”..... a “He is being said to date…”.

*U poslední věty s randěním vidím více možností jak zkombinovat větu:

  1. He is said to date…
  2. He is said to be dating…
  3. He is being said to date…
  4. He is being said to be dating…

Na druhou stranu, čtvrtá kombinace mi možná přijde gramaticky ok, ale nezní mi moc pěkně a neumím si ji odůvodnit. Jaké jsou rozdíly mezi kombinacemi?

Předem děkuji za zpětnou vazbu :)

The train is being expected …

He is said to date… :-)
He is said to be dating… :-)
He is being said to date… :-( no reason to use “being”. (O něm se řikává .. ??)
He is being said to be dating… :-( no reason to use “being” .

We don't look for unnecessarily complicated ways of saying something when a perfectly good, shorter, and simpler way already exists.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před 3 lety

The train is being expected …

He is said to date… :-)
He is said to be dating… :-)
He is being said to date… :-( no reason to use “being”. (O něm se řikává .. ??)
He is being said to be dating… :-( no reason to use “being” .

We don't look for unnecessarily complicated ways of saying something when a perfectly good, shorter, and simpler way already exists.

Díky, takže “being” nemusím nikdy používat u těchto konstrukcí jako je “It's/He's being said, expected, considered…” ? :) Verze bez “being” bude vždy idiomatická a správná u těchto typů vět :)

Jak kdy, čili “it depends”.

“The train is expected …” seems to describe a state, not an action or process. So we can't say “the train is being expected …” for the same reason that we can't (normally) say “I am being cold”. “he is being a teacher”.

“He's being said/considered …” can be ok when the sense is iterative, meaning “several people on different occasions are saying/considering …” There are also other reasons why “being + past participle” may be ok, such as: “I haven't had my Covid booster jab yet, but I'm being vaccinated again next week.” Here the verb is an action (not a state), and “am being” is present tense for future sense (as in “I'm going to Prague next week”).

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před 3 lety

Jak kdy, čili “it depends”.

“The train is expected …” seems to describe a state, not an action or process. So we can't say “the train is being expected …” for the same reason that we can't (normally) say “I am being cold”. “he is being a teacher”.

“He's being said/considered …” can be ok when the sense is iterative, meaning “several people on different occasions are saying/considering …” There are also other reasons why “being + past participle” may be ok, such as: “I haven't had my Covid booster jab yet, but I'm being vaccinated again next week.” Here the verb is an action (not a state), and “am being” is present tense for future sense (as in “I'm going to Prague next week”).

To ano.....

Já to myslel pouze pro jeden specifický případ – na začátku věty a s frázemi jako “It/She/He is being said, expected, considered..... V takové situaci se nepoužívá "being”. V ostatních případech, jak píšete, ano – dle kontextu.


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