Help for English

Nikdy jsem nechodil běhat, když...


Můžete mi prosím pomoci s překladem níže uvedené věty?

Nikdy nechodím běhat, když je venku pod 13 stupňů Celsia.

Pokus o překlad:
I never go jogging/running if it is under 13 degrees Celsius outside.

Kontext: Prostě jen obecné tvrzení.

Pokud je překlad správný jak by se potom přeložila tato věta:

Nikdy jsem nechodil běhat, když bylo venku pod 13 stupňů Celsia.

Myslím si, že bych to v tomto případě měl vyjádřit předpřítomným ča­sem.

Pokus o překlad:
I have never gone jogging/running if it was under 13 degrees Celsius outside.

Nějak se mi ale nezdá ono “gone jogging/running”. Lze to takto použít či nikoliv?

Díky moc za pomoc.

Dobrý den, mně by asi víc sedlo “been jogging”… Zkusila jsem Ngram, a tam je obojí a been je tam častější………

Na základě české věty, kterou uvádíte, bych použil past simple. Vaše věta takhle bez kontextu vyjadřuje spíš “Ještě jsem nebyl běhat, když…” Tu českou větu si představuji nějak zarámovanou v minulosti, třeba “Když jsem bydlel v Liberci, nikdy jsem nechodil běhat, když…” Pokud tedy máte na mysli toto, řekl bych “I never went jogging…”

Souhlasím s Danem. Vidím to jako podmínkovou větu, reálná podmínka v minulosti. V hlavní i vedlejší větě bude minulý čas prostý.

Dobrý den, ahoj všem. Díky za komentáře. A tu první větu v pritomnem case mam prosím správně?

have never gone jogging/running if/when it was… :-((

DM has hit the nail on the head here. The problem here is that the two verb forms “have been/gone VERBing” (= present perfect continuous/pro­gressive) and " when it was…" (= past simple) apply to different timeframes – present and past. You need to decide whether you want to talk about the present (if/when it is less than 13°C) or the past (if/when it was less than 13°C).

Present: You can say either 1 or 2, the meaning is the same:

  • 1. I've never been/gone jogging/running if/when it is less than 13°C.
  • 2. I've never been/gone jogging/running if/when it has been less than 13°C.

Past: You can say either 3, 4 or 5, the meaning is the same:

  • 3. I never went jogging/running if/when it was less than 13°C.
  • 4. I never used to go jogging/running if/when it was less than 13°C.
  • 5. I would never go jogging/running if/when it was less than 13°C (would = opakovaný děj v minulosti)

Jak píše eva, raději používáme never been running , ale never gone running je přijatelné.

Hey everyone, so basically I want to start running. I've never been a runner, and have never gone running in my life …(myfitnesspal)

never been running is ok above too.

If you’ve never been running before it can feel a little daunting, so it’s best for you to start slowly and gradually build up your speed and distance as you get more comfortable. (nationalworld)

never gone running is ok above too.

Ano, v přítomném čase je správně

  • I never run/jog if/when it's less than 13°C
  • I never go running/jogging if/when it's less than 13°C
  • I never go for a run/jog when it's less than 13°C

We don't need “outside” (though it's obviously not wrong), and “under” is also ok for “less than”, see the Ngram.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před 3 lety

have never gone jogging/running if/when it was… :-((

DM has hit the nail on the head here. The problem here is that the two verb forms “have been/gone VERBing” (= present perfect continuous/pro­gressive) and " when it was…" (= past simple) apply to different timeframes – present and past. You need to decide whether you want to talk about the present (if/when it is less than 13°C) or the past (if/when it was less than 13°C).

Present: You can say either 1 or 2, the meaning is the same:

  • 1. I've never been/gone jogging/running if/when it is less than 13°C.
  • 2. I've never been/gone jogging/running if/when it has been less than 13°C.

Past: You can say either 3, 4 or 5, the meaning is the same:

  • 3. I never went jogging/running if/when it was less than 13°C.
  • 4. I never used to go jogging/running if/when it was less than 13°C.
  • 5. I would never go jogging/running if/when it was less than 13°C (would = opakovaný děj v minulosti)

Jak píše eva, raději používáme never been running , ale never gone running je přijatelné.

Hey everyone, so basically I want to start running. I've never been a runner, and have never gone running in my life …(myfitnesspal)

never been running is ok above too.

If you’ve never been running before it can feel a little daunting, so it’s best for you to start slowly and gradually build up your speed and distance as you get more comfortable. (nationalworld)

never gone running is ok above too.

Ano, v přítomném čase je správně

  • I never run/jog if/when it's less than 13°C
  • I never go running/jogging if/when it's less than 13°C
  • I never go for a run/jog when it's less than 13°C

We don't need “outside” (though it's obviously not wrong), and “under” is also ok for “less than”, see the Ngram.

Ahoj Dane, jako vždy vyčerpávající odpověď v souvislostech.Moc jsi mi pomohl a už mám v tom jasněji. Díky díky, že sis dal ten čas na podrobnou odpověď.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před 3 lety

have never gone jogging/running if/when it was… :-((

DM has hit the nail on the head here. The problem here is that the two verb forms “have been/gone VERBing” (= present perfect continuous/pro­gressive) and " when it was…" (= past simple) apply to different timeframes – present and past. You need to decide whether you want to talk about the present (if/when it is less than 13°C) or the past (if/when it was less than 13°C).

Present: You can say either 1 or 2, the meaning is the same:

  • 1. I've never been/gone jogging/running if/when it is less than 13°C.
  • 2. I've never been/gone jogging/running if/when it has been less than 13°C.

Past: You can say either 3, 4 or 5, the meaning is the same:

  • 3. I never went jogging/running if/when it was less than 13°C.
  • 4. I never used to go jogging/running if/when it was less than 13°C.
  • 5. I would never go jogging/running if/when it was less than 13°C (would = opakovaný děj v minulosti)

Jak píše eva, raději používáme never been running , ale never gone running je přijatelné.

Hey everyone, so basically I want to start running. I've never been a runner, and have never gone running in my life …(myfitnesspal)

never been running is ok above too.

If you’ve never been running before it can feel a little daunting, so it’s best for you to start slowly and gradually build up your speed and distance as you get more comfortable. (nationalworld)

never gone running is ok above too.

Ano, v přítomném čase je správně

  • I never run/jog if/when it's less than 13°C
  • I never go running/jogging if/when it's less than 13°C
  • I never go for a run/jog when it's less than 13°C

We don't need “outside” (though it's obviously not wrong), and “under” is also ok for “less than”, see the Ngram.

I really like your answers. I always learn so much from them. Thank you Dan, as well.

Thanks for your kind compliment, Adriana. I'm glad you found this post helpful. :-)


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