Help for English

Complicated question with a lot of moving parts. Still turning straw into gold


Dobrý den. Věty jsou z videa Wentworth Miller | Full Q&A | Oxford Union na Youtube.

  1. věta komplikovaná otázka, která vyžaduje hodně času na vysvětlení
  2. věta Herec mluví o hlavní postave jménem Mike Scofield v seriálu Prison Break. Dělal téměř nemožné z téměř neupotřebitelných věcí. Něco podobného jako seriálový hrdina Macgyver.

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I haven't looked up the exact context because (a) I'm too lazy 🙂, and (b) the speaker's intended sense of 1. „question with a lot of moving parts“, and 2. „turning straw into gold“, which are both somewhat unusual expressions, is clear enough (to me) from the information you provided.

  1. This doesn't refer to how long it would take to explain the question. It means that the answer to the question entails/invol­ves/encompasses (= obnáší) a lot of unknowables, variables or imponderables. These are all adjectives functioning as nouns, so variable/unkno­wable/imponde­rable elements or factors that are not constant, their value or nature can or could change depending on circumstances that we can't predict, so they're nevyzpytatelné.
  2. Your understanding here is (apparently) correct.


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