Help for English

Infinitive vs. participle


Hello everyone!

Yesterday, one of my colleagues asked me to fill in a test where I was supposed to choose an infinitive or a participle. I seem to have done a good job and I was asked to say why I chose the answers I chose, so that he’s able to explain it to his students. Do you have any idea how to explain why one option is better that the other one? Any link, advice or book reference would be appreciated!

Here’s the test:
*One of the greatest pleasures of camping is To eat/Eating under the stars.
*Our plan is To rent a car and drive/Renting a car and driving down the city.
*One of the purposes of a college education is To create/creating people who can think on their own.
*The important way to lose weight is To get/Getting exercise.
*The important thing is To keep/Keeping trying.
*All you have to do is To wait/Waiting here.

Thanks a lot!

Ve vyhledávači můžete jednoduše napsat infinitiv nebo gerund. nebo si vezměte učebnici gramatiky na úrovni B1(Longman English Grammar)


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