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dve predložky za sebou


Sú možné dve predložky za sebou ?

An 11-year-old boy, who was taken out from under the rubble of a house after Russia's attack on Mykolaiv on the night of 12 October, has died in the hospital.


Yes, that's fine. Here are a couple more examples:

  • I shouted to him from across the road but he couldn't hear me because of the traffic noise.

A grizzly [bear] typically has a concave or dish-shaped profile that extends from between its eyes to the end of its nose. (bearsmart)

The second victim, a 44-year-old woman from Ventura, struggled to keep possession of her purse and was pushed to the ground by the suspect as he grabbed it from over her shoulders. (vcstar)

A aby toho nebylo málo (… in case that's not enough), here are four prepositions in a row:

Frailty is common in adults with advanced lung disease and is associated with death before and after lung transplantation. We aimed to determine whether frailty changes from before to after the lung transplant. (uptodate)

We aimed to determine whether frailty changes from before to after the lung transplant.

Uff. A aký by bol preklad ?

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od AdrianaXXX vložený před rokem

We aimed to determine whether frailty changes from before to after the lung transplant.

Uff. A aký by bol preklad ?

Naším cílem bylo zjistit, zda je nějaký rozdíl mezi špatným zdravotním stavem před transplantací plic a po ní. (…zda se špatný zdravotní stav změní díky transplantaci… a­pod.)


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