Help for English

It a k čemu odkazuje


Dobrý den,

chtěl bych se zeptat, k čemu odkazuje tučně vytištěné IT v následujícím úryvku:

One critical element that cultural intelligence and emotional intelligence do share is a tendency to suspend judgment – to think before acting. For someone richly endowed with CQ, the suspension might take hours or days, while someone with low CQ might have to take weeks or months. In either case, it involves using your senses to register all the ways that the personalities interacting in front of you are different from those in your home culture yet similar to one another.

Za případné odpovědi děkuji!

… For someone richly endowed with CQ, the suspension might take hours or days, while someone with low CQ might have to take weeks or months. In either case, it involves using your senses …

„It“ odkazuje k „the suspension“. However the sentence is poorly worded because we don't understand (from the extract supplied) whether „the suspension“ means

  • 1) the time (hours or days) until judgement is suspended, [how long it takes before judgement is suspended] or
  • 2) the time (hours or days) during which judgement is suspended [the length of time that judgement is suspended for].

From the text that follows (here), the author's intended meaning seems to be 2.

Thank a lot for your help! One native speaker told me that this ‘it’ refers to ‘cultural intelligence’ and other two NSs thought it referred to ‘judgment’, so I wasn’t really sure which opinion I should trust… But I think you’re right, your explanation makes sense!


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