Help for English

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Omlouvám se, že je to tak dlouhé. Ale ještě 6 vět.

Soon after that I had a trial for the attack of that policeman. Tady mi vymazal po after that.

I told the truth there for the first time in my life.

She believed me every word. Tady mi změnil me na my.

The section was from half a year to six years. For this wrong, there is the upper half of the section.

God stood up for me at the court.

The cafe, where I am sitting now, belongs to the church called Církev víry situated in the centre of Brno.

To je vše. Moc děkuji za pomoc.

Soon after that I had/faced a trial for attacking / assaulting that policeman. (THAT bych také nechal)

She believed my every word (to opravil dobře, v angličtině je to zkrátka trochu jinak postavené)

The range (of the punishment) was… / The punishment ranged from half a year to six years (between half a year and six years). The length of my punishment was closer to the upper edge of the range. (za tuhle druhou větu úplně neručím)

The cafe where I am sitting now belongs to the church called Církev víry situated in the centre of Brno. (čárky nejsou nutné)


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