Help for English

will x would; not x don't


Zdravím všechny,

kopíruji sem pro kontext mírně upravený (zkrácený) transkript 1. dílu 2. série seriálu White Lotus. Mám dotaz ke zvýrazněným částem: 1) proč je zde would, a ne will? Byl by případně nějaký rozdíl?; 2) proč je zde not come, a ne don't come?

GREG: You bring your assistant to a vacation with your husband?
TANYA: Well, I just don't know what the big deal is. I mean, I don't know why you're so bothered.
GREG: Because I said no! Because it's supposed to be romantic. Because it's a vacation, in Sicily, for us.
TANYA: It's not like she's gonna be in our bed and stuff, you know? I mean, she has her own room.
GREG: Tanya, get rid of her. Put her on a plane.
TANYA: (to Portia) You're gonna have to get lost.
PORTIA: Okay. Yeah. So, what do you mean? I'd see you in a week, then?
TANYA: No, I want you to stay close, 'cause I might need you. But just lay low and… and not come out of your room.

Okay. Yeah. So, what do you mean? I'd see you in a week, then?

By using „would“ instead of „will“, the speaker is asking a hypothetical question, and in the context we understand:

  • Okay. Yeah. So, what do you mean? [If I went home] I would see you in a week, then?

Using „will“ is also possible, and it makes the question factual, not hypothetical:

  • Okay. Yeah. So, what do you mean? [If I go home] I will see you in a week, then?

Thanks, Dan. Could you also add your opinion on the second bit in bold?

TANYA: No, I want you to stay close, 'cause I might need you. But just lay low and… and not come out of your room.

You're right that this sentence is grammatically incorrect, but the speech style here is casual and conversational, and we understand the structure ( not come instead of don't come ) as a continuation of „I want you to …“ at the start of the sentence, so we understand „… but [I want you to] just stay low and not come out of your room“.

People don't always speak grammatically in conversational sty­le.


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