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Prosím Vás, je toto gramaticky správně. Jde mi o to, zda jsou stejné podměty, což bývá častá chyba v používání participií:

Being driven too fast, a car crashed.

Můžu tuto větu chápat jako „Because the car was driven too fast, it crashed.“ Děkuji moc.

The sentence is (s odřenýma ušima) grammatically correct, but no-one would say it. Why? Because crashing is not an inevitable consequence of being driven too fast.The sentence is defective semantically (= in terms of its meaning and topic focus).

  • What happens when a car is (being) driven too fast? It crashes. It might / could / may crash.

Why „at a pinch“ (s odřenýma ušima)? Because the indefinite article „a car“ sounds almost impossible here. Why? Because if it was being driven too fast, we already know about the car. Something was being driven too fast. What was it? A car.

  • Because it was (being) driven too fast, the car crashed.
  • (more idiomatic): Because it was going too fast, the car crashed. [We don't need to say the car was „being driven“.]

So the short answer is: the use of the participle („being driven“) is ok, but it's a sentence no-one would say. ☹️

Nie som schopná to takto gramaticky rozobrať, len by som povedala, že mi tá veta znie čudne, lebo najprv je použitý trpný rod a potom činný. Auto sa samo neriadilo, ale samo havarovalo? Je to akési kostrbaté.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Nevena vložený před rokem

Nie som schopná to takto gramaticky rozobrať, len by som povedala, že mi tá veta znie čudne, lebo najprv je použitý trpný rod a potom činný. Auto sa samo neriadilo, ale samo havarovalo? Je to akési kostrbaté.

Preto Vám Dan ponúkol tú poslednú možnosť, ktorá je tvorená len s dvoch činných rodov. 🙂

Because it was going too fast, the car crashed.


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