Ako by ste povedali :
X je niekoľkonásobne drahší ako Y.
Ako by ste povedali :
X je niekoľkonásobne drahší ako Y.
Za mě: X is several times more expensive than Y.
Za mě: X is several times more expensive than Y.
Ach áno, asi mám zatmenie mozgu. Ďakujem.
Hey guys, Adriana especially, other version hitted me: multiple times more expensive. I guess it should be correct. All the best, Armando
Hey guys, Adriana especially, other version hitted me: multiple times more expensive. I guess it should be correct. All the best, Armando
Let me just correct your past tense – hit, not hitted (it's irregular)
All the best!
Ah, my fault, I can see the mistake now. Yes, as @evaoslik said, it is ‘hit‘, not ‘hitted‘.
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