Help for English

mít u sebe


Prosím o radu, používá se vždy vazba „on me“, když chci říct, že např. nemám u sebe klíče, drobné nebo lze i v některých případech „with me“? Děkuji 🙂

„On me“ and „with me“ are both ok in the example you give ( nemám u sebe klíče ), with no difference in meaning:

  • haven't got / don't have my keys with / on me.

More examples:

  • Can you pay for the coffees? I haven't got / don't have any money on / with me.
  • Can you tell me the time? I haven't got / don't have my watch on / with me.
  • Do you mind if I make a quick call on your phone? I don't have / haven't got my phone on / with me. (See the Ngram)

If the item that you haven't got isn't something you normally „wear“ or „have on you“ or in your pocket, you should use with, e.g.:

  • Oh, it's starting to rain. Can I borrow your umbrella, I haven't got mine with / on me.
  • Can I come and see you? I know you don't like dogs, but I haven't got my dog with / on me.

Thank you very much for your comprehensive answer, it will help me a lot!

P.S. I wouldn't normally say „have my dog on me“. That sounds to me like I have it on my back 🙂

Thank you much !!


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