Help for English

Articles with abstract nouns


Hello everyone, is there any article on this website about the situations when an abstract noun takes a definite article? I could not seem to find such article on this website. Thank you, Armando

*takes the definite article

Do you have any specific questions? There are a lot of sources regarding this on the internet. In a nutshell. If you use abstract nouns generally, they are without the „the“. If you specify/identify them, you use definite articles. Happiness is important. / The happinnes of my kids is important.

I could not seem to find out anywhere what is the difference between:

  • future societies
  • the societies of the future.

I know the rules for taking the definite article, but in this one situation I am not able to figure out what is the difference and why in one of the situations it takes the article.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Armando vložený před 11 měsíci

I could not seem to find out anywhere what is the difference between:

  • future societies
  • the societies of the future.

I know the rules for taking the definite article, but in this one situation I am not able to figure out what is the difference and why in one of the situations it takes the article.

It is explained on the very first video I found about this issue on youtube.


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