Help for English

Mother nature


Dobrý den.

Pokud v textu odkazuji na Mother nature, použiji She/Her nebo she/her?

Jak je to u Lucifera – He nebo he?



Aj v slovníčku na týchto stránkach je to tak.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od AdrianaXXX vložený před rokem


Aj v slovníčku na týchto stránkach je to tak.

it nebo It?

Photographing Mother Nature with the Respect She Deserves

Like most photographers I know, I, too, have had a love affair with taking photographs of nature. For some of us, it’s here that we first start to feel self confident about our photography. After all, most trees don’t wiggle and complain and scream out “I’ve got to go potty!” Rocks and streams rarely worry if their makeup is just right. Admittedly, some birds and bees do move around as fast as basketball and football players; but, overall, things are much slower when dealing with Mother Nature as your subject. (…) When you think in terms of nature as your subject, you have the world’s greatest model. She will let you shoot as often as you want and at whatever angle you want. In fact, she often invites you to try new things. (picturecorrect)

SJ Kids: Who is Mother Nature? Mother Nature is a lady who controls nature. If she were real she'd live in a cave. She'd wear a leaf dress and sleep under a blanket made of leaves. (statesmanjou­rnal)

Is Mother Nature Real? (…) So, Mother Nature, is she real or not? (wholepeople)

Nature – it. Mother Nature – she.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od AdrianaXXX vložený před rokem


Aj v slovníčku na týchto stránkach je to tak.

Ale my tady nemáme přece ve slovníčku IT, ani vlastně takové informace do slovníku nedáváme.

Máme tam pouze tuto definici:
Mother Nature
nature, when you consider it as a force that affects human beings

A to slovo IT se vztahuje ke slovu NATURE.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Roman Svozílek vložený před rokem

Ale my tady nemáme přece ve slovníčku IT, ani vlastně takové informace do slovníku nedáváme.

Máme tam pouze tuto definici:
Mother Nature
nature, when you consider it as a force that affects human beings

A to slovo IT se vztahuje ke slovu NATURE.

Ďakujem za opravu.

A Lucifer je he?

Yes. (You can check this easily for yourself by Googling “Lucifer” 🙂 .)


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