Help for English

Angličtina pro krajináře


Ahoj, moje kamarádka je krajinářka, zabává se erozí a tak.....a poprosila mě, abych jí pomohla jako učitel s její angličtinou, kterou teď v práci potřebuje… Postahovala jsem si různé Vocab listy na toto téma, abych byla v obraze, co se týče tohoto oboru…nicméně by mě zajímalo, jestli neexistuje nějaká učebnice na toto téma, popřípadě vhodná anglická kniha…tochu jsem pátrala, ale zatím jsem se nedopátrala..ještě zkusím ang.kamenná knihkupectví… Kdyžtak díky za pomoc:)

Well, I am not sure whether this will be helpful; but I think the easiest way how learn the essential vocabulary for a certain field of study is to buy a standart study book for that area of study, rather than solely focused on English for that field. I have looked it up on the internet, but unfotunately I could not seem to find any such book. I just managed to dig up some books that are aimed at those students who are studying a course within the field of enviromental science (I cannot send the link to the discussion up here, so I have send it to you into the message box on the homepage). Books designed for CAE students, such as English Vocabulary In Use, includes the technical terminology from many fields, for instance, economics or enviromental science. I don't know to what extent your friend needs to know the vocabulary of this field, but in my eyes this sort of books are very English-students-tailored rather than being a comprehensive overview of a field's termi­nology. Talking from experience, I don't think they are optimal – I found economical terminology in the CAE book, which I need to know since I study it, but it includes just few umbrella terms. So, as I've already mentioned, the easiest way might be to buy some of those book I've mentioned, whether a book focused on the terminology of the field or just a standart study book, which often includes a terminology, often supported by appropriate diagrams.



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