Help for English

Expand vs. get bigger


Dobrý večer všem, mám tady větu:
„The studios are now ........... (expanding/getting bigger) and have purchased land nearby so they can cater for the increasing demand for quality filming studios.“
Vybrala jsem „expanding“, podle výsledků tam má být „getting bigger“.
Chtěla jsem se zeptat, proč tam nemůže být „expanding“?

“Expanding” je nejen možné, ale dokonce lepší než “getting bigger”.

Byron Studios are expanding in order to accommodate the Industry’s in­creasing interest for production in the area. The plan includes multiplying studio space and a focus on local programs to support the community. (ausfilm)

While just a few months ago, it appeared COVID-19 was forcing a wrap for the film industry, there’s now so much demand for production space that studios are expanding, and new ones are being built in all corners of the Greater Toronto Area. (globeandmail)

Why is „expanding“ better in your sentence? Because „getting bigger“ tends to suggest mainly increasing in size, while „expanding“ includes taking on more clients, more filming work, bringing in better and more sophisticated equipment to cope with the increasing demand, hiring more staff, and so on.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před 11 měsíci

“Expanding” je nejen možné, ale dokonce lepší než “getting bigger”.

Byron Studios are expanding in order to accommodate the Industry’s in­creasing interest for production in the area. The plan includes multiplying studio space and a focus on local programs to support the community. (ausfilm)

While just a few months ago, it appeared COVID-19 was forcing a wrap for the film industry, there’s now so much demand for production space that studios are expanding, and new ones are being built in all corners of the Greater Toronto Area. (globeandmail)

Why is „expanding“ better in your sentence? Because „getting bigger“ tends to suggest mainly increasing in size, while „expanding“ includes taking on more clients, more filming work, bringing in better and more sophisticated equipment to cope with the increasing demand, hiring more staff, and so on.

No jo, ale v té příkladové větě se mluví o tom, že objednali nějaké další pozemky, proto si myslím, že tady mají jako správnou možnost getting bigger. Právě proto, že jde o velikost

But the studios themselves are not getting bigger, they are the same size, but there will be more of them. Catering for the „increasing demand for quality filming studios“ suggests that the whole studio business is expanding and needs more, bigger and better facilities.

I'd be interested to know whether this exercise was set by English native speakers or not. I find this question and its answer quite bizarre and almost irrelevant as a teaching exercise. „Expand“ and „get bigger“ are more or less interchangeable. The nuance of not just „bigger“, but „bigger and better“ tells me that „expand“ is the right word.


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