Help for English

Giving direction


V lesoparku se snažím navést cizince, který zabloudil, k východu z parku. Můžete mi prosím poradit, zda je tato věta použitelná a gramaticky správně v mluvené řeči?

Jděte asi 50 metrů tímto směrem a jakmile dojdete ke starému dubu dejte se doprava. Za cca 200 metrů dorazíte k východu.

Follow this path about 50 metres and take the right as soon as you have come to the old oak. You will reach the exit in about 200 metres.

Případně jak to samé vyjádřit lépe? Lze „dorazit/dojít“ vyjádřit pomocí „reach“ nebo se to vyjadřuje jinak?

Díky moc za kontrolu.

Your version „Follow this path about 50 metres and take the right as soon as you have come to the old oak. You will reach the exit in about 200 metres“ is basically ok and doesn't contain any errors, but the section as soon as you have come to the old oak can be expressed more neatly as follows:

  • Follow this path (for) about 50 metres and you'll see a large oak tree. Then turn right and the exit is about 200 metres from there.

I've changed „old oak“ to „large/big oak“, which makes more sense when you're looking for a tree. But of course there's nothing „wrong“ with your version. It's just not what a native speaker would say, particularly „as soon as you have come to“, which is more simply expressed as „when you get to“. 🙂

„Reach“ is fine for dorazit/dojít, but get (to) is more idiomatic (natural).

Sloveso get (…)

get to = přijít/přijet/do­razit někam

Sloveso get lze také použít podobně jako např. sloveso arrive, tedy ve smyslu dostat se, dorazit.

What time do you usually get to work?

It was 5 o'clock when I got to the train station. (HfE)


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