Help for English

Práce na černo


Dobrý den, jak se dá v běžné, každodenní angličtině říct “práce na černo” nebo “pracovat na černo”? Našel jsem na internetu “unreported employment”, ale s tím jsem se setkal i v učebnici ekonomie, takže pochybuji, že by to byl výraz obvyklý v každodenní řeči. Ještě jsem našel “moonlighting” – dá se to použít? Děkuji, Armando

  • Working in the black economy:

Today, both countries [Czech and Slovak Republics] are new EU members whose citizens can work elsewhere in Europe. But before accession some of the workers were almost certainly among the undeclared working in the ‚black‘ economy. (bbc)

  • Working in the grey economy:

The unemployment rate looks good, but it does not reflect reality. It does not capture the situation of people who are over-indebted, living in precarious situations or working in the grey economy. (caritas)

Working on the side and moonlighting mean doing an additional job to your main employment. This kind of work might or might not be na černo.


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