Help for English

Provision of legal services


Dobrý den,
chtěl bych se zeptat, jestli je rozdíl v tom zda-li použiji substantivum, nebo gerundium.
In Roman times, providing legal services was seen as a honourable activity.
In Roman times, the provision of legal services was seen as a honourable activity.


Dobrý den, nevím, jen chci upozornit, že před honorable bude člen „an“ (h se nečte.....) Hezký den!

Dobrý den, děkuji. Úplně jsem to přehlídl. Armando

There's no difference in meaning between „providing legal services“ and „the provision of legal services“. The difference is in style: the ing form is more natural in all contexts and styles; the abstract noun form („the provision of“) is higher register, more formal in style.

Dan, thank you very much!


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