Help for English

nazvučit koncert


Jak se dá nejlépe přeložit nazvučit koncert ?
Control the sound of the concert?
Thank you very much:)

Do the sound engineering for, be the sound engineer for, be in charge of sound for, do the sound for, set up the sound for, run/organise/o­perate the sound system for, do the sound set-up for, atd.

There were two concerts and a range of activities that we organised in that day as well as a pub quiz. Then to top it all off, I was doing the sound for the gig in the evening. I was tired but extremely satisfied. (alc)

A Quick Guide to Running Sound in Any Situation

So you have your degree in Music Education and you find out at your first teaching job that you are solely responsible for running the sound system. (midnightmusic)

The Walnut Street Blues Band got there early to do the sound set-up. (issues)

You can Google the other phrases to see how they're used in a full sentence.

Připravit a nazvučit koncert ansámblu formátu Melody Makers je ovšem něco trochu jiného, než písničkáře s kytarou. (jihlavske-listy)

Putting together a/the concert and doing the sound (engineering) for a group like Melody Makers is of course rather different than for someone singing along with his guitar.


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