Help for English

Na každého se něco najde


Dobrý den, jak by šla do angličtiny přeložit věta ‘Na každého se něco najde‘. Děkuji, Armando

Clear context is needed. Maybe one of the following:

  • To have a stain on one's character

Cutts creates a series of characters, none of whom has a clear-cut status that is morally right or wrong. The reader is left unsure where to place their sympathies, and is thereby drawn into the depths of a web of moral ambiguity. Each suspect – and some of the police, too – has a stain on their character, which only becomes clear as the novel unfolds … (blogs)

  • There's always some dirt you can dig up on someone.
  • Everyone has a skeleton in the (BrE) cupboard / (AmE ) closet.
  • Nobody's perfect. (In the absence of context, this is probably the safest bet.)


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