Help for English

I was singing often, at least 4 times a week


Viděla jsem tuto větu v jedné knize.
Nemělo by být- I sang… Nejedná se o opakující děj? děkuji

„I was singing often, at least four times a week“ is acceptable (not grammatically incorrect) at a pinch, but it doesn't sound idiomatic (in this precise wording) to my ear for two reasons:

  1. „singing often“ (with the word „often“ in this position after „singing“, and with no other qualifier such as „quite“)
  2. „was singing“ when any of the versions below mean the same thing and sound natural/idiomatic.
  • I sang quite often / a lot, at least four times a week.
  • I used to sing quite often / a lot, at least four times a week
  • I would sing quite often / a lot, at least four times a week.
  • I did a lot of singing, often at least four times a week.
  • I used to do a lot of singing, often at least four times a week
  • I would do a lot of singing, often at least four times a week.
  • I would be singing a lot, often at least four times a week.

Maybe we can justify the use of „I was singing often …“ by the explanation below, but „I was singing often …“ in this precise wording doesn't sound natural, especially when there are more natural alternatives to choose from.

Minulý průběhový čas (past continuous)

(…) Nedokonavé děje

Někdy je nutné použít průběhový čas tehdy, kdy mluvíme o nějakém nedokonavém ději. Tedy říkáme jen, co jsme dělali, nikoliv co jsme udělali.

Yesterday I was writing my book and then I was repairing my bicycle. (HFE)


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