Help for English

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Every year I find myself saying that “this year has been the most important year of my life”, but looking back on 2023 there’s no contest. The acute highs and lows I’ve faced (especially these past three months) have been nothing like I thought I would experience if you asked me what the year would look like back in January.

Nemá tam být If you had asked me ?… když je tam konkrténí měsíc v minulosti ?

A celkově dalo by se to poskádat takto ? Díky.

If you had asked me what the year would look like back in January, it would have been nothing like I (had?) thought I would (have?) experience

Where did you see this? It doesn't seem to be written by a native English speaker.

Yes, it should be „if you had asked me back in January …“

If you had asked me what the year would look like back in January, it would have been nothing like I (had?) thought I would experience / I would have experienced.

I thought I would have experienced is acceptable, but it's unnecessary. It adds nothing to the meaning.


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