Help for English

Použití "some" v otázkách


Jsou správně tyto otázky:
A: We don’t have any bread. B: Do you want to buy some?

Your cat is in the kitchen. Does it want some food?

V kterých případech (kromě zdvořilých žádostí a nabídek) lze použít „some“ v otázkách? Kdy pouze „any“?

Děkuji za odpověď.

Vzpomněla jsem si na toto vlákno……ng-something

Moje učitelka také říkávala any = vůbec nějaký.......

Can we use both some and any in questions?

Sometimes we use some when we expect the answer to be “yes”. We use any when we don’t know what the answer will be; we are asking whether something exists.

  • Can I have some sugar? (I know there’s some sugar)
  • Is there any cake left? (I don’t know whether there’s any cake)
  • Are you waiting for somebody? (I think you are)
  • Is anybody coming to meet you? (I don’t know) (britishcouncil)
  • A: We don’t have any bread. B: Do you want to buy some? [We don't like to run out of bread because someone might want to make a sandwich. Therefore I expect that there will be bread, and if we've run out of bread, I expect you'll want to buy some.]
  • Do you want to buy any? [I don't know whether you need bread or not, or whether you usually have bread in the house or not, or whether it matters at all. I have no expectation about what your answer will be.]

Your cat is in the kitchen.

  • Does it want some food? [Your cat doesn't go into the kitchen unless it wants food. It knows where the food is. If it goes into the kitchen, I expect it wants food, I expect the answer to be „yes“.]
  • Does it want any food? [It's not the cat's usual feeding time so I don't expect the answer to be „yes“. I've no idea or expectation about why the cat is in the kitchen.]


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