Help for English

Which part of studying English / Czech (for non-native Czech speakers) did you find the hardest?


As a Czech native speaker, I did struggle a lot with correct pronunciation. Which of the following parts (or anything else if I have forgotten to mention it) did you find the hardest:

  • more complex grammar (inversions, emphatic do, conditionals)
  • writing (especially formal and semi-formal texts)
  • listening to various dialects and accents (for me, for instance, especially those from the UK)
  • the use of English (idioms, word formation, and similar tasks you might encouter in exams)
Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Armando vložený před 7 měsíci

As a Czech native speaker, I did struggle a lot with correct pronunciation. Which of the following parts (or anything else if I have forgotten to mention it) did you find the hardest:

  • more complex grammar (inversions, emphatic do, conditionals)
  • writing (especially formal and semi-formal texts)
  • listening to various dialects and accents (for me, for instance, especially those from the UK)
  • the use of English (idioms, word formation, and similar tasks you might encouter in exams)

I find the hardest listening to various dialekts, especially British. You cannot do anything but just listen and listen. Nothing else can help you. On the other hand, the difficulty of idioms is not such a problem, because you can use a large dictionary and most of them are written there.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od naficka vložený před 7 měsíci

I find the hardest listening to various dialekts, especially British. You cannot do anything but just listen and listen. Nothing else can help you. On the other hand, the difficulty of idioms is not such a problem, because you can use a large dictionary and most of them are written there.

If the pronunciation of the dialects has been officially described, it is not so complicated to recognise the differences from the standard pronunciation 🙂

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Franta K. Barták vložený před 7 měsíci

If the pronunciation of the dialects has been officially described, it is not so complicated to recognise the differences from the standard pronunciation 🙂

As the easiest way towards learning dialects, or let's say understand them, is to look them up in a dictionary. Knowing the pronunciation in a particular dialect, the student doesn't struggle that much with their understanding.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od Armando vložený před 7 měsíci

As the easiest way towards learning dialects, or let's say understand them, is to look them up in a dictionary. Knowing the pronunciation in a particular dialect, the student doesn't struggle that much with their understanding.

British dialects have always been a big struggle for me while I was learning English – especially those in which the pronunciation is so different from the ‘official‘ pronunciation. 🙂

British dialects have always been a big struggle for me while I was learning English – especially those in which the pronunciation is so different from the ‘official‘ pronunciation. here the game is also the example how necessary it is to understand it🙂

Are there any online resources for learning dialects?

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od maryone vložený před 5 měsíci

British dialects have always been a big struggle for me while I was learning English – especially those in which the pronunciation is so different from the ‘official‘ pronunciation. here the game is also the example how necessary it is to understand it🙂

Are there any online resources for learning dialects?

Yes, e.g. Geoff Lindsey's YT channel. 🙂


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