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Vylámat si zuby


Dobrý den, jak se dá anglicky říct “vylámat si zuby”? Kontext je následující: “Tehdejší policie si na tomto případu z roku 1996 vylámala zuby. Pachatel byl natolik rafinovaný, že nejen ho nešlo usvědčit z vraždy, ale hlavně tělo nebylo nikdy nalezeno.” Děkuju

Idiomaticky mě napadá „The police bit off more than they could chew.“
Neidiomaticky je samozřejmě možné ledacos: The case was too much for them to handle / too difficult for them…

Mě právě napadlo neidiomaticky: It was a total failure for the police. Jenže bych preferoval raději idiomatické — ta verze zní dobře, děkuji. Napadají tady někoho, třeba Dana, který je rodilý mluvčí, nějaké native idiomatické vyjádření pro “vylámat si zuby”?

Našla som meet one’s Waterloo, end in smoke, lay an egg. Keď dačo z toho hodí človek do slovníka, ten mu začne vyhadzovať ďalšie a ďalšie možnosti. Teda to lay an egg by mi nenapadlo.

Police investigating the case in 1996 drew a blank.

blank (…)

draw a blank neuspět (v hledání ap.), nic se nedozvědět, nebýt o nic chytřejší (lingea)

Also: a/the police investigation into the case in 1996 …

  • came to nothing
  • proved fruitless
  • reached a dead end
  • left them none the wiser
  • left them stumped
  • hit a brick wall

Police have hit a brick wall in their hunt for a dangerous arsonist who destroyed a children's pla­yground in the north-west. (informit)

The versions found by Nevena above could work in certain contexts, but they're too colloquial to describe (e.g. in a news report) any serious account of a police investigation. „Bit off more than they could chew“, while accurate, is probably also too colloquial (in terms of style).

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před 4 měsíci

Police investigating the case in 1996 drew a blank.

blank (…)

draw a blank neuspět (v hledání ap.), nic se nedozvědět, nebýt o nic chytřejší (lingea)

Also: a/the police investigation into the case in 1996 …

  • came to nothing
  • proved fruitless
  • reached a dead end
  • left them none the wiser
  • left them stumped
  • hit a brick wall

Police have hit a brick wall in their hunt for a dangerous arsonist who destroyed a children's pla­yground in the north-west. (informit)

The versions found by Nevena above could work in certain contexts, but they're too colloquial to describe (e.g. in a news report) any serious account of a police investigation. „Bit off more than they could chew“, while accurate, is probably also too colloquial (in terms of style).

Dan, the Czech expression with teeth is also really colloquial and wouldn't be used in news. 🙂

P.S.: What about „It was too tough for them.“ ? 🙂

I think it could, perhaps, be used in news – at least, I have seen some news with that expression.

(1) Právníci módního gigantu si vylámali zuby na malé rodinné firmě (2) Rittig byl těžký soupeř, vylámali jsme si na něm zuby. Nečas je jen lhář, říká bývalý šéf ÚOOZ Šlachta

But yes, I do agree with you – the Czech expression is really colloquial, yet I see it every now and then in newspaper articles (but rather those that are semi-formal than more formal). 🙂(())

„It was too tough for them“ would certainly be understood, but I wouldn't expect to see it. „… was too tough“ may imply that the task (of investigating the case) is finished, but unsolved criminal cases are not usually consigned to the past: if/when new evidence comes to light, they're re-opened.

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před 4 měsíci

„It was too tough for them“ would certainly be understood, but I wouldn't expect to see it. „… was too tough“ may imply that the task (of investigating the case) is finished, but unsolved criminal cases are not usually consigned to the past: if/when new evidence comes to light, they're re-opened.

Fair enough – I think the phrase ‘vylámat si zuby‘ insinuates that the effort of the police (or someone else, of course) was without any desired result‘.


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