Help for English

Mám problém odhadnout anglické "ani" v různých situacích.


Prosím o rady, jak byste přeložili např:
„Nezbyl mi už ani jeden zub“ – „Nedostal jsem žádný trest a ANI jsem nic nemusel vysvětlovat“ – „Nepamatuje si jméno ani jednoho z nich“ …? Vím, že se to celé točí kolem slov „even, either, single,“ atd, ale plete se mi to, prosím někoho zkušeného o objasnění.

Nezbyl mi už ani jeden zub

  • I no longer had (even) a single tooth left
  • I didn't have a single tooth left anymore

Nedostal jsem žádný trest a ANI jsem nic nemusel vysvětlovat

  • I didn't receive any punishment, neither/nor did I have to explain anything.
  • I wasn't punished in any way, and I didn't have to explain anything either.

Nepamatuje si jméno ani jednoho z nich

  • (s)he can't remember a single one of their names
  • (s)he can't remember the name of a single one of them
  • (s)he can't remember any of their names

Other versions are possible, but probably won't sound as idiomatic.

I think there were some guys involved with that show too, but for the life of me I can’t remember a single one of their names, poor bastards. (pastermagazine)

In reference to the „experts“ of Gauguin's time who panned his work: I can't remember the name of a single one of them, nor can I name any of their works … (theforgotten­studio)

Right now, I’m remembering back to 1949 — a very long time ago — to teachers whom I, hopefully, will always remember for their lasting influence on me. But I can’t remember any of their names. (alp.uconn)

Odkaz na příspěvek Příspěvek od DesperateDan vložený před 3 měsíci

Nezbyl mi už ani jeden zub

  • I no longer had (even) a single tooth left
  • I didn't have a single tooth left anymore

Nedostal jsem žádný trest a ANI jsem nic nemusel vysvětlovat

  • I didn't receive any punishment, neither/nor did I have to explain anything.
  • I wasn't punished in any way, and I didn't have to explain anything either.

Nepamatuje si jméno ani jednoho z nich

  • (s)he can't remember a single one of their names
  • (s)he can't remember the name of a single one of them
  • (s)he can't remember any of their names

Other versions are possible, but probably won't sound as idiomatic.

I think there were some guys involved with that show too, but for the life of me I can’t remember a single one of their names, poor bastards. (pastermagazine)

In reference to the „experts“ of Gauguin's time who panned his work: I can't remember the name of a single one of them, nor can I name any of their works … (theforgotten­studio)

Right now, I’m remembering back to 1949 — a very long time ago — to teachers whom I, hopefully, will always remember for their lasting influence on me. But I can’t remember any of their names. (alp.uconn)



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