Help for English

Reduced relative clauses


V článku o vzťažných vetách uvádzate,že ak by začínala veta slovesom tak nemôžme vzťažné zámeno vynechať, rovnako ho nemôžme vynechať ak nemá zvyšok vety podmet. Avšak našla som v učebnici nasledovné:

  1. A person (who/that is) looking for adventure could be a private detective.
  2. Someone (who/that is) able to think quickly might be a good surgeon.
  3. A person (who/that is) trained in music might be a good DJ.

Môžem vynechať vzťažné zámeno v nasledujúcich vetách, ak nie prečo? :

  1. I am looking for someone (who is) resourceful, innovative, patient and decisive.
  2. I don't prefer someone (who is) sticked with the tried-and-true.
  3. I need someone (who is) easily adapted to new situations.
  • 1. I am looking for someone who is resourceful, innovative, patient and decisive.
  • 1a. I am looking for someone resourceful, innovative, patient and decisive.
  • 2. I don't prefer someone (who is) sticked with the tried-and-true.
  • 2a. I don't favour someone who sticks with the tried-and-true.
  • 2b. I don't favour someone who is stuck in a rut with the tried-and-true.
  • 2c. I don't favour someone stuck in a rut with the tried-and-true.
  • 3. I need someone (who is) easily adapted to new situations.
  • 3a. I need someone who adapts easily to new situations.

1 and 1a are ok. 2 is odd. Use 2a, 2b or 2c. 3 („is adapted“ with „adapted“ functioning as an adjective) is odd.

So I understand right that in my original sentences 2 and 3 is verb so we can also drop „who“ and change the verb to the gerund?

*I don't favour someone sticking with the tried-and-true.

*I need someone adapting easily to new situations.

„Sticking“ and „adapting“ in your sentences 2 and 3 are -ing forms, but they're not gerunds (přidržování se), they're participles (přidržující se).

Defining relative clauses are usually introduced by „who“ or „which“, not by participles.

I don't favour someone sticking with the tried-and-true and I need someone adapting easily to new situations are odd: no-one would say them.


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