Help for English

What do you like to read?


Which genre? What book or book series is your favorite? I like fantasy. To be more specific – science fantasy which represent Anne McCaffrey,'s Pern saga and Marion Zimmer Bradley with her Darkover series.

Fantasy is one of my favorite genres, too. I've recently read Legends & Lattes. Loved it!

I highly recommend joining It's a great place to share books you've read, comments, quotes… see what your firends are reading, find inspiration etc.

My goodreads profile is…04-marek-v-t

Detective stories(Agatha, Doyle, P. D. James…) classic novels, big (BIG) fan of Jane Austen – might be the biggest genius in the history of writing books…
Loved the LOTR, enjoyed Harry Potter.....
And if I can speak about Czech books… I read Šikmý kostel a few months ago and it might be the best book I have ever read.......

I enjoy the rich world-building, intricate plots, and the blend of science fiction and fantasy elements in these series. The combination of futuristic technology with mystical elements creates a unique and captivating setting for the stories to unfold.

I enjoy the rich world-building, intricate plots, and the blend of science fiction and fantasy elements in these series. The combination of futuristic technology with mystical elements creates a unique and captivating setting for the stories to unfold.

I agree! These series are always full of surprises and mysteries. Do you have any favorite authors in this genre?


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