Help for English

Go/have/take lessons


Prosím, můžu použit sloveso GO ve významu – chodím na lekce plavání?
I go to swimming lessons. Místo slovesa Have a take.
Dále lze použít i swim lessons?


Are you going to a swimming lesson? Learn what to expect during your visit to the pool. (…)

Going to a swimming lesson

When I go to swimming lessons, I will wear a bathing suit or swim shorts and goggles. (

„Swim lessons“ místo „swimming lessons“ se sice používá, ale v daleko menší frekvenci – viz Ngram, a proto nedoporučuji, i když chyba to není.

„Swim lessons“ instead of „swimming lessons“ is actually used, but much less frequently – see the Ngram, so I don't recommend it, although it's not a mistake.

Private Swimming Lessons

Private swimming lessons are a fantastic way to learn to swim (…) These are available at each of the more than 130 centres we have nationwide that offer swimming and swim lessons. (everyoneacti­


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