Help for English

What's your favorite TV series?


Yeah I agree, but as for the season 2, the songs have not been that good so far, IMHO.

Chuck Season 2: 8,5/10 – growing fond of this hilarious show.

I don't watch TV anymore but if you want to check out something from ages ago – Twin Peaks is really different. It's amazing it even made it to prime time TV in the USA. It was dark, odd, quirky, and had you on the edge of your seat. The soundtrack is also worth checking out.

Apart from that, if you like satire and politics, check out Jon Stewart's Daily Show on Comedy Central ;)

The Vampire Diaries, Season 1, 9/10

Awesome. Kevin Williamson at his best.

Fawlty Towers
funny, not complicated

Chuck Season 3 9/10 getting better and better

Six Feet Under, Season 5, 9/10

Although the last few episodes (the three I've just seen) – 10 f*cking out of 10.

I keep thinking about Six Feet Under… I think I'll change my rating to 10/10. 10/10 for the whole show. And the finale was just awesome… disturbing, really really disturbing…

the big bang theory, season 1, 10/10

For me, quite a breath of fresh air. It really cracked me up. However, the geeky jargon was really hard (sometimes impossible) to catch. Nevertheless, 10/10.

roman298: It's nice to hear that even you had trouble understanding it (sometimes) :-)
BTW: I'd probably had the same problem in Czech :-) (I havent't heard the dubbed version)

what do you mean by „even you…“? :-D my listening comprehension is far from what i'd like it to be…but still, i believe that even more experienced learners of english would have troubles making head or tail of what sheldon's sometimes trying to say :-)

Misfits, Season 2, 9/10

British humour rocks :)

the big bang theory, season 2, 10/10

it distracts me from studying! :-)

If you go on with Season 3, it will distract you even more :) I can tell…

And season 4 is maybe even better.


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