Dobrý deň, to som opäť ja. Keď som úspešne prebral minulosť, zamierim hneď na budúcnosť – Future Perfect (simple/continuous). Článok som si už prečítal a pokúšal som si vytvoriť vlastné vety aj s kontextom, a potreboval by som ich skontrolovať.
Snažil som sa hlavne vytvoriť vety, v ktorých by nebolo spojenie by the time, by … (hoci sa to vždy nemusí spájať s Future Perfect) a takto to dopadlo:
1. I really have to prepare my speech for tomorrow's celebration. It really must be great. I don't want the listeners, who will be listening to my speech, to find that I'll never have spoken to publicity before.
2. This year ends in 10 minutes. I hope that we all shall* meet here next year at the same time to go through all the good things that we shall* have done (in this next year).
3. There are a lot of things he hasn’t done yet. When he becomes a seventy-year-old man, he won’t be able to do all those things he won’t have done .
4. By the end of this grammar book, you won’t have mastered all the tenses and aspects yet. But next year you will be given a harder one in which you will learn them all.
*SHALL som použil v 2. preto, aby všetky tie vety nevyzerali tak monotónne (will have done, won't have mastered …)
Ako som už písal, sú to moje vlastné vety, tak mi pomôže, ak opravíte akúkoľvek gramatickú chybu. V podstate som samouk (resp. učia ma tieto stránky), takže ďakujem za akúkoľvek pomoc.