Help for English

TOP TEN series!!!


Hey I have to admit, The Walking Dead is funny!

1. Chuck
2. Veronica Mars
3. The Big Bang Theory
4. How I Met Your Mother
5. The Simpsons
6. Glee
7. Heroes
8. House M.D.
9. Bones
10. Friends

1. House M.D.
2. The Mentalist
3. Dexter
4. The Vampire Diaries
5. The Big Bang Theory
6. Ultimate survival
7. Smallville

1. Dexter <3 ( die,die:D)

1. Friends
2. Dexter
3. The IT Crowd
4. StarGate SG-1
5. StarGate Atlantis
6. Gilmore Girls
7. Futurama
8. Red Dwarf
9. Band of Brothers
10. Četnické humoresky

1. Bones
2. House m.d.
3. Gossip girl
4. Friends
5. Hotel Babylon
6. Sex and the city
7. Six feet under
8. Gilmore girls
9. Ally McBeal
10. The Simpsons

Ok, here is my list. Only those I watched in English. Well, at least one episode. :-D

1. Chuck (!!!)
2. Misfits
3. Red Dwarf
4. Flashforward
5. Merlin
6. The Simpsons
7. South Park
8. Young Justice
9. Heroes
10. Naruto

1. Community
2. How I Met Your Mother
3. The Big Bang Theory
4. Californication
5. Family Guy

1. Dexter
2. Stargate SG1
3. Battlestar Galactica
4. How I met your mother
5. Stargate SGA
6. Doctor Who
7. Merlin
8. Supernatural
9. True Blood
10. The big bang theory

1. Sherlock
2. Red Dwarf
3. Skins
4. Misfits
5. Shameless
6. Planet Earth
7. Futurama
8. Broadwalk Empire
9. Family Guy
10. The X-files

1.South Park
3.My Name Is Earl
4.The Big Bang Theory

I can't remember the others, but I've seen a lot of series :) In english language and sometimes with english subtitles, because my english is not enough good :)

1. Bones
2. The Big Bang Theory
3. House MD
4. IT Crowd
6. Friends

  • 2. How I met your mother

    1–2. Simpsons

    3. My name is Earl

    4. The big bang theory

    5. Futurama

    6. Friends

    I love Prima Cool :-D

I've seen many seasons of many TV series, but here is my top nine list.

1. Scrubs ← way better than Dr.House, MASH and so on
2. Dexter
3. Californication
4. The Shield
5. Prison Break
6. Hung ← not many people know this piece. it is worth watching imo
7. How I Met Your Mother
8. The IT Crowd
9. Black Books

My most favourite top ten series, that I've seen in english:

1. South Park
2. Misfits
3. Torchwood
4. Death Note
5. Band of brothers
6. Black books
7. Futurama
8. The IT Crowd
9. 'Allo 'Allo
10. The Simpsons


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