Help for English

speaking with beginner


Iam beginer, is her somebody, who would like writenig in english language?

Hi Pekus. How long have you studied English?

Hi I´m Kate and my nick name is nicy :-D How are you?

I´ve been studing for 5 years.

Hi, Iam chronical beginner and I like write in english language about everything. For example culture, music, life.English language is beautiful, can you help me somebody? Where are you from?

I am from Plzen City. I study English language only 4 months. Today I go away, but on Sunday i will be home. If would you like writing about everything, then we can writing together. Bye-bye.

Hi mivirapa.I am from Brno. Itś big city in Morava, and I like to live here, because here are many opportunities in work, hobbies,culture lifes, maybe real friends.Are you student on secondary school?I only work in a hospital, but I want to study.Bye.Marco

hi, guys!!! 8-)


Hello boys and girls :-D I am John and I am 21 years old. I work for one company and english language is very important for my job.Is there someone who has like english as me a who would like to write with me about life,work,hobbies and other interesting topics?
Have a nice day

Hello Deliah how are you?

Hallo,How are you? I am Petra. I am 22. I works in travel agency, bud my Englisch is bad. I would like write. :-D :-)

Hi everyone, I love English but I'm not good at it, but I hope that sometimes I will, cause I have dream to go to England as an opair, but I see I've got lots of stuff to learning. :? (Education has bitter bases but also sweet fruits.)
Is there anybody who wants to try write english with me? Pls, write me in English on my mail address. Good luck to all. :-)

Hi everyone. I´m Robert 24years old. I learned English on basic school, but then English wasn´t interesting for me and I didn´t learned them. Now, I´m regreting that. When a work opportunity from abroad comes to me I realized that the English is very important for my live. Likely a month or month and half ago I was visited this fantastic web pages and since I'm begining learning english again. The English has become my hobby because this web pages are fantastic written and learning this is easier and funny too.
I know, that this text has a lot of mistakes, I´m sorry, I´m elementary and I hope, that in the future I will better.
Pls writte me somebody. Thanks and bye

I am here. And you?


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